无数实践表明,每一份参与到社会生产的工作之中,都需要匹配更为适宜且个性化的环境与灵活多变的设置,以适应不同时刻、场景的变化。给予参与者的选择更多,更能激发创造力与维持工作的可持续性。E Studio 结合行业特殊属性和使用习惯,为星环重工的新场所进行规划。我们在实践中,延续了这一理念。
In terms of productivity, every job demands a personalized and adaptable environment that reflects the ever-changing rhythms of society. By offering participants a greater array of choices, we ignite creativity and ensure the sustainability of their work. E Studio is honored to collaborate with PlanetRing Industry for a second time to design and reimagine their new office with this philosophy at heart.