法大大是国内领先的电子合同与电子签云服务平台,致力为企业、政府和个人提供基于合法数字签名技术的电子合同和电子单据的在线协同签署及管理服务。法大大成立于2014年,总部位于深圳,在全国20多个城市设有分公司或办事处,E Studio受邀设计其深圳新总部办公室,共同思考更符合年轻人的办公方式和可能性。
法大大是国内领先的电子合同与电子签云服务平台,致力为企业、政府和个人提供基于合法数字签名技术的电子合同和电子单据的在线协同签署及管理服务。法大大成立于2014年,总部位于深圳,在全国20多个城市设有分公司或办事处,E Studio受邀设计其深圳新总部办公室,共同思考更符合年轻人的办公方式和可能性。
法大大是国内领先的电子合同与电子签云服务平台,致力为企业、政府和个人提供基于合法数字签名技术的电子合同和电子单据的在线协同签署及管理服务。法大大成立于2014年,总部位于深圳,在全国20多个城市设有分公司或办事处,E Studio受邀设计其深圳新总部办公室,共同思考更符合年轻人的办公方式和可能性。
Dedicated to providing enterprises, governments, and individuals with online collaborative signing and management services for e-contracts and e-documents based on legal digital signature technology, Fadada is the leading e-contract and e-signature cloud service platform in China. Founded in 2014, Fadada is headquartered in Shenzhen and has branches or offices in more than 20 cities across China. E Studio was invited to design its new headquarters office in Shenzhen and work together to think about a more youth-friendly office style and possibilities.
Dedicated to providing enterprises, governments, and individuals with online collaborative signing and management services for e-contracts and e-documents based on legal digital signature technology, Fadada is the leading e-contract and e-signature cloud service platform in China. Founded in 2014, Fadada is headquartered in Shenzhen and has branches or offices in more than 20 cities across China. E Studio was invited to design its new headquarters office in Shenzhen and work together to think about a more youth-friendly office style and possibilities.